As part of our continuing support of writing pedagogy in all disciplines at Trinity College, the Allan K. 史密斯写作与修辞中心很高兴为今年选定的教师提供两轮奖学金:秋季的一轮, geared toward faculty teaching classes that fulfill the Writing Emphasis Part 2 Requirement; the other in spring, for faculty teaching a FYSM in fall 2022.

We now invite applications for the fall group.  教师可以申请成为五个想要在课堂和学科中探索写作教学法的写作研究员之一.

In a brief, one-page proposal, 申请人应描述W2课程,概述他们想要从事的项目,并解释对他们教学的预期影响. Tenured, tenure-track and full-time continuing faculty members at Trinity are eligible to apply. Please submit proposals and questions to [email protected]. Faculty participants will receive a $1,000 stipend.

参加秋季班的教师将成为五名写作研究员中的一员,他们将与Marino教授和Frymire教授一起完成写作重点第二部分要求(专业写作要求)的课程。. 参与者将在秋季学期会面四次,开发一个与课程写作相关的项目. Past projects have included creating new assignments, revising and trouble-shooting existing assignments, developing effective feedback tools, working with ESL students, and more.

Writing Fellows will meet once per month. The newly formed Writing Fellow cohort will determine whether to meet in person, adopt a hybrid model of meeting, or meet completely online.

An additional call for faculty participants will go out toward the end of the fall semester, 邀请教师申请成为春季学期的五位写作研究员之一,他们将在2022年秋季的FYSM上与Papoulis教授合作.

春季学期的教师参与者还将会面四次,并制定一个教学大纲和作业,以加强和强调FYSM的写作. Faculty participants will receive a $1,000 stipend. The spring semester Writing Fellow cohort will also determine whether to meet in person, adopt a hybrid model of meeting, or meet completely online. We especially invite faculty in STEM fields to apply.

The Writing Fellows Program is a colloquium designed for faculty to read, talk, and write about writing pedagogy in general as well as to dive into disciplinary based writing pedagogy.

Writing Fellows AY2020-2021

Spring Writing Fellows Summary – Irene Papoulis, Principal Lecturer in the Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric

2021年春季写作研究员的目标是专注于构思和构建研究员2021年秋季的第一年研讨会教学大纲. They began by discussing and rethinking their individual goals for their seminars, 探索和讨论如何突出“学术思维习惯”教学作为课程的一个组成部分. They then discussed how to encourage students to read more deeply by using informal writing. Patrick Sullivan’s essay, “Deep Reading as Threshold Concept,” helped to foster that discussion, 研究员们参与了写作练习,旨在澄清阅读,并与学生读者一起示范工作. After more discussions about formal and informal writing assignments, and how to scaffold academic writing, fellows began to craft or re-craft their First Year Seminar syllabi, rethinking and developing ideas in consultation with the group. 他们完成了正在进行的清晰的草稿,他们将在进入秋季学期时继续工作.

Tanetta Andersson, Senior Lecturer in Sociology

“My course, Lights, Camera, Society! Sociology Through Film, is the Sociology Department’s offering in the first-year seminar program, which I plan to teach again in Fall 2021. In truth, 我申请了2021年的写作研究员项目,因为我一直遇到内容和写作不平衡的问题. To that end, 在我们的会议中,我通过战略性地减少内容,为阅读和旨在加强学生书面作业的活动留出空间,专注于“少即是多”的理念. 个人和社会系统之间的动态关系仍然是这门课的核心内容, 在整个学期中,向学生灌输“人和社会制度缺一不可”的双重教训, yet neither can be reduced to the other” (Johnson 2014). As a result of the Writing Fellows workshops, I now emphasize analytical writing over persuasive or descriptive genres, although students will employ the latter to a lesser to degree. 分析性写作使学生的写作工作超越了个人层面上的“报告”或“总结”材料或“反应”阅读. It too is a dynamic relationship between a frame of mind but also an act of thinking (Rosenwasser 2019). Most of all, 它与读者合作,注重细节,目的是理解而不是判断(在社会学入门课程中很有帮助,因为学生也经常面临一个遗忘的过程)。. Questions like “What do you notice, find interesting, revealing or strange?” kickstart analysis. Other moves of the mind include evolving observations into implications through posing “so what? questions, for example. To help students translate their ideas from frames of mind into words on paper and back again, I plan to integrate several writing practicums addressing: reading analytically, reasoning from evidence to claims, 识别和修复来自文本《博彩平台网址大全》(Rosenwasser 2019)的薄弱论文陈述,该书现已出版第八版.”

Juliet Nebolon, Assistant Professor of American Studies

“This FYSM Writing Fellows Workshop was extremely helpful for me, as someone who is teaching a FYSM for the first time. 我不仅花了一整个学期的时间来制定一个全新的教学大纲(如下所示), but I also benefitted in each meeting from the experience of Irene and the other participants, almost all of whom had taught a FYSM before. Each month, I learned more about how to foster critical thinking, writing, and discussion skills among first year students in an equitable and constructive way. Each time we met, 我为我的课带来了新的想法,这帮助我在学期一开始就开始制定我的教学大纲. Particularly, in our last two sessions when I shared drafts of my syllabus, I received hands on advice for how to tailor in-class exercises and paper assignments. 我还收到了一些重要的建议,告诉我如何减少课程中的一些内容,以便在课堂上留出写作时间, revision, and registration help. These are the kinds of things it makes a huge difference to learn about now, before the semester begins.”

Diana Paulin, Associate Professor of English and American Studies

“For me, 花点时间听听老师们在第一年的研讨会教学中有什么其他的策略和顾虑是很有价值的. What are the overall goals of the seminar and how do you meet those goals effectively and productively? Each person, regardless of the number of years she has been teaching, offered a new or unique perspective, resource, or assignment that I had not considered. 我认为最重要的考虑是留出时间去了解学生,专注于你想要达到的具体目标,而不是让他们负担过重. 我还学会了将低风险写作和修改纳入课程以及准备课堂讨论和写作的新方法. Being asked to articulate your vision for the course is a useful exercise. Additionally, 我喜欢看到别人如何根据反馈进行修改,我们都带着一个具体的计划离开,即使它仍然需要修改.”

Mary Sandoval, Associate Professor of Mathematics

“I have decided to incorporate daily free writing exercises into my seminar, perhaps
with additional in-class writing assignments allow students to start on the reflections on the
various class activities that I have been developing in previous iterations of the course. I
will also use these free writes to get students to reflect on the readings and the discussion
questions so that they can have a common understanding of what the readings say, as opposed
to their reactions to it. I have also revisited my old syllabus and pulled out some of the
various class activities (see below). I will ask my students to reflect on these activities to
build in low-stakes writing exercises that can be used as a basis to build out and develop
more extended theses that could be developed into topics for the longer analysis paper or
short essays. I am hoping to use these as fodder for some exercises that demonstrate how to
edit/revise/develop into short essay reflections.
I still have some work to do in terms of sequencing the activities. This will be easier once the
more detailed academic calendar comes out and I can figure out when advising and course
selection will take place. A tentative calendar is attached.
I am also planning on coming up with a simple rubric that I can put in the syllabus to guide
my student with their reflection. Does it address the prompt? Does it contain at least one
idea with some depth of reflection? Etcetera.”

Lynn Sullivan, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

“Great space created to discuss ideas teaching writing, teaching, and first year students with
fellow faculty who have past FYS experience at Trinity College.
Interarts Gateway serves as a very broad introduction to ALL arts (visual, dance, theater, music,
creative writing). Reflections from this workshop, have made me pivot from trying to structure
classes as an introduction to various methods in the arts (which is how my visual arts
foundation class works) to building intellectual skills to experience and consider (a variety of)
arts through writing. The flow of this makes much more sense to me.
For my syllabus, I felt I was able to simplify my plans for the syllabus, and to allow writing to
shape the arc of the semester. While the focus of Interarts is the arts, I am shaping each week
on different ways that writing can operate as a tool to help students engage with art and our
lives. Key takeaways for me:

a) creating space for writing in class, and building language together for discussing art
b) iterative development of writing/projects that includes feedback
c) to encourage revision process to be about trying to find something that you did not
know and discovery of a subject as much as “perfect writing”
d) incorporation of library research early in semester
e) saving room for discussion and practical elements of advising.”

Video/Audio Reflections for Writing Fellows Fall 2020 Coming Soon!

Michael Puljung, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Chemistry
Peter Bent, Assistant Professor of Economics
Peter Antich, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Diana Paulin, Associate Professor of English and American Studies

Writing Fellows AY2019-2020

Stefanie Chambers, Professor of Political Science

“Outside of your department, you have this new group of people who you can share ideas with, connect with in new ways, and who knows what this will bring for me in the future?”

“It’s a great opportunity to have people honestly give you feedback on your own teaching, and your own ideas, and your own projects, 而且还可以与那些你通常没有机会花时间与之相处并向其学习的人建立联系。”

Molly Helt, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience

“Even though we have time with our colleagues, 我们真的有多少时间去深入研究我们是否应该把一项任务分成三到四个部分的细节,或者我们的反馈是否足够好地混合了积极和消极的评论?”

“We are surrounded by colleagues who are brilliant and often have more expertise than we ourselves do, and we shouldn’t be in isolation trying to reinvent the wheel. We should be as much as possible pooling our collective wisdom and our creativity”

“The more we share ideas and expertise about teaching the more we can really lift one another up”

Martha Risser, Associate Professor of Classical Studies

“I think my biggest takeaway is that, no matter how old or experienced you think you are, you can always learn from your colleagues”

“向别人学习,向校园里不同学科的人学习,真是太好了. It was very energizing, and I learned so much”

Jo-Ann Jee, Visiting Lecturer of Chemistry

Daniel Mrozowski, Academic Director of Graduate Studies and Lecturer in English (Graduate Studies Program)

Writing Fellows AY2018-2019

Alexander Manevitz, Visiting Assistant Professor of American Studies

Writing Fellows Report AY1819-Manevitz

David Reuman, Associate Professor of Psychology

Writing Fellows Report AY1819-Reuman

Meredith Safran, Associate Professor of Classical Studies

Writing Fellows Report AY1819-Safran

Barbara Walden, Associate Professor of Physics

Writing Fellows Report AY1819-Walden

Stefanie Wang, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Writing Fellows Report AY1819-Wang

Writing Fellows AY2017-2018

Megan Hartline, Director of Community Learning

Writing Fellows Report AY1718-Hartline

Isaac Kamola, Associate Professor of Political Science

Writing Fellows Report AY1718-Kamola

Michelle Kovarik, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Writing Fellows Report AY1718-Kovarik

Shane Ewegen, Associate Professor of Philosophy

Writing Fellows Report AY1718-Ewegen

Hilary Wyss, Allan K. Smith and Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of English

Writing Fellows Report AY1718-Wyss


Additional Faculty Testimonials and Comments:

“I think this metacognitive experiment in your own teaching always makes you a better teacher. It socializes a knowledge base among the faculty. I think it’s a great way to build comradery. 我认为这是一个很好的暂停时刻,想想你是如何组织你的作业,并将写作融入课堂的.”

“You teach for a decade and you have these habits, you have these materials and assume things about them. And then when you go to have to explain them to people or you pose serious questions about them, it really does give you a chance to revise, not just revise in the sense of going back and changing, but to really see it a new, to see what you’ve been doing for a while. The comradery is great, but also the ability to step back and see what I had been doing for 10 years in a new light is amazing.”

“It was such a fun learning experience and I learned so much from them. Everyone came from a different discipline, so everyone came with different perspectives and different experiences. 我真的从小组中得到了一些宝贵的建议,如果我有机会的话,我很乐意再做一次。”

“I could learn from my peers in my own department, and that would be very, very specific to our courses. At least in science, we have a certain way we teach our material and process the data. 这就是为什么我有机会看到其他人是如何在不同的学科中做到这一点的,我认为这很有趣. That’s thinking outside of the box, which I wouldn’t have come up with on my own if it were not for their feedback and ideas.”